Monday, May 14, 2007

Malaria Monday

Just to, I don't have malaria. That's just what our medical officer suggested we call Monday so that we remember to take our malaria medication. This medication supposedly has some side effects that can include insomnia and vivid dreams, so I opted to take it tomorrow morning....meaning, Tuesday. I figured that Tuesday often lacked recognition as an important day in the family of the week, so I have dubbed Tuesday from this day forward: Two Tab Tuesday.

Tuesday will be the day that I take my two tabs of Chloroquine once a week...most likely, for the next two years. I've even recruited some other PCTs on my campaign! We thought we could even make tee-shirts to express our affiliations...they would, of course, be colored teal...or, if there is a bind at the screen printing shop, taupe.

I am tired and it is quite hot here. I still haven't gotten over the jet lag combined with sitting in a meeting room for 8 hours a day....oh, and Hepatitis shots were served up for this evening's Happy Hour. Something like....a single shot on the house!! What a deal.

I do have some pictures to post, which I will put up here the next time I remember to bring my camera down to the computer room. But, so far, to sum up...there's plenty of socializing going on, along with an incredible amount of information being thrown at us...albeit, in a very organized and informative way.

Besides the ants in the bathroom and the bats that fly around my balcony at dusk, I can't really claim to have experienced the Philippines as of yet. Since the local elections were held today, the fervor and excitement should be calmed down by the end of the that time, we may be let out of "lock down" at the resort. We are set to move to our official training sites this weekend and I think that's when we move in with our host families.

My brain already feels like it's soaked in so much new information, meeting new people, and just talking about things that are incredibly's hard for me to even believe that I was still in Texas a week ago!

Well, sleep must be had....soon I will be one with the waking/sleeping pattern of these here islands...which is something like, sunrise at 5:30 am and sunset at 6:30 p.m. But, yeah....til then!!

Oh, one last thing...this blog will be renamed after I get a feel for the perfect fit. I have a feeling that it might take me a few months of living here, but it will more than likely change. Not that it's that interesting or anything...I just thought I'd share!


At May 14, 2007 at 8:01 AM , Blogger tiny robot said...

"Two Tab Tuesday"

Always the rebel, aren't you?

At May 14, 2007 at 9:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the acronym for Tuesdays would be "Triple T."

Chloroquine's side effects are oxymoronic; vivid dreams while awake.

At May 14, 2007 at 12:16 PM , Blogger abbenormal said...

"Two Tab Tuesday" Sounds like a buy one get one free drink promotion on 6th Street. I'm so there. Par-Tay!

At May 14, 2007 at 8:13 PM , Blogger stef is super said...

It is strange. With all the packing and stuff... it's hard to believe you've only been gone a week... I'm looking forward to your pictures!


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